Hi, All! An Introduction by Sue Leffler Kitchen

An Introduction by Sue Leffler Kitchen

Thanks for allowing me to join! I’m descended through the Bruer/Brewer line.  My grandmother, Amanda Marie Brewer, was  the daughter of John Byron Brewer & Anna Mary Erbe.

Sue Leffler Kitchen family
Sue Leffler Kitchen family.

John Byron Brewer was the son of Harry S. Brewer.  Grandma (Amanda) & Grandpa (Abraham C. Loeb) had ten kids (nine who lived; one still living) and all but two had kids. The family is still growing thanks to the grandkids, great-grands, and in some cases, the g-g-grands of those kids.

Although all of them are interested in what I find, I’m the only one who has actively searched and compiled records & stories. I hope one of them will take up the cause when I’m gone.